Saturday, September 10, 2011


I chose this book to review for Booksneeze. This is not a book of my general reading genre but I was intrigued by the title and the subject,  Barak H. Obama. Kevin McCullough is a conservative talk show host and his book subtitle, “How Barak Obama is Dismantling Hope and Change,” is my sentiment as well. It appears that Kevin has researched and documented his sources well. This is an expose of Obama’s leadership style and disinterest in the Godly America I have come to know in my life.  It is clear from the book that the President is taking America off the map as a nation with values and morals that continuously brings hope and change. His point of view shows a dismal future for the nation unless real American values are restored. Obama’s compromise with minorities for the vote is heart sickening to say the least. I found his book pinpoints many issues of devaluing standards and conduct. Obama’s indecisiveness is truly exposed in the book. Overall the straight-forward writing will be offensive to those willing to compromise the American way of life. This book will not appeal to the vacillating voter.

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