Sunday, May 30, 2010


by Donald Miller

This is my first reading of author, Donald Miller. His approach and style is unique and interesting. I sense that he is trying to present an honest expression of heart on the subject of religion verses relationship and the life we live. As I have read through the pages I found some relevance and identity to his proposal of “formulas or relationship”. This is a well written book that opens a possibility of a new perspective to those who only fault Christianity. I found that Miller cuts to the chase and uses familiar and common terms to make his points. He does seem to use poetic license to illustrate and emphasize his message or lesson. Miller’s bluntness regarding televangelists and those declaring special messages from God is somewhat refreshing. I believe he explores our thinking as humans to a very interesting degree with suppositions and scenarios that are common. Not being a fan of Shakespeare, I got lost in the latter part of his book. One of his striking comments says, “. . . there is a certain freedom in getting our feelings of redemption from God, and not other people.” This book made me stop and think about a number of subjects like morality, redemption, and the real Jesus.