Saturday, October 31, 2009

Book Review for "Living With Confidence in a Chaotic World"

Living With Confidence in a Chaotic World, by Dr. David Jeremiah

Dr. Jeremiah does a relevant job of discussing the signs of our times in light of Scripture. The information is current and up to date. I found the book to be a fairly easy read. He readily refers to appropriate Scripture for the issues he discusses. The chaos in our current world is addressed with sound advice to calm our fears as believers.

I believe the summary of the book is in the following quote: “In times such as these we have to look somewhere for answers. The psychologist tells us we should look within. The opportunist tells us we should look around. The optimist says we should look ahead, and the pessimist says we should look out. But God says we should look up---even when we feel down.”.

I found challenging information with solid direction to live life in God’s fullness. Dr. Jeremiah has presented information with a different perspective but with positive helpful information. The reader of the book should find good information to life a life of calmness in this chaotic world.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Living With Confidence in a Chaotic World

Just started reading for book review of Dr. David Jeremiah's  recent book now in process. Check back for my review notes in a few weeks.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Book Review for "Called To Worship"

Called To Worship
By Vernon M. Whaley

This book is well written and informative on the subject of worship. Whaley presents the facts of worship through the books of the Bible in a systematic manner. I believe it is a great resource for the minister or layperson. The author moves through history and the books of the Bible and the rituals and methods of true worship for each dispensational age. For a book of its size the content is most helpful and easy to understand. This book would be a great asset to any Christian’s library. It most certainly could be used as a textbook for a Bible class. Whaley addresses many issues of misguided worship and explains the errors with great finesse and sufficient Scripture. As I read through this book I kept reflecting on what my inner man had been thinking about worship and how much the church has strayed from true worship. It also clarified my right thinking about worship being continuous through daily living and loving and not just a planned service. I enjoyed the conclusion that grasped the concepts of future worship in heaven. This book should be a must read for all Bible scholars.